I saw a man... a man who is not familiar in my eyes. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Wait, it's me! I was a man in my dream! LOL. There were many men around me but that's not even possible. I am a hundred percent woman, or not? Just kidding. But that dream is true. What could that possibly mean? Oh well, I'm not even interested.
But wait, I had another dream. This time I was in my original form, a typical girl and was with someone unknown. We were having a date in a shopping mall in the northern part of Metro Manila ( I can't tell you the specific name of the mall ) and were about to grab some snack before we watch a movie. We were very sweet, having no problems around and looks good as a couple. What's even strange is that I can clearly see his face. I actually felt it when he held my hand as if it was really happening during that time. It was the first time I felt in-love in my dream where I can actually see and feel someone solidly. We ate popcorn, and not to forget, ice cream for it is my favorite. After that, we had a little conversation then we decided to part our ways. I went down the escalator leaving him on the top floor for some unidentified reason on why he let me go home alone. After a few minutes I had a feeling of going back where he was and so I did, I went back. I was startled to see him with another woman. How can a man ever do that to me? Then poof! I woke up. It didn't last that long but was very remarkable and somehow questionable to me.
At that point, I was in-love with a guy whom I don't know in real life but is perfectly alive in my dream. I can still remember him as I opened my eyes that morning and can still feel what I felt when I was with him. Am I going to see him again? Will we ever meet in real life or will he remain in my dreams forever?