This is the verse that struck my heart today. I am very much in guilt of letting anger stay in my heart and not forgive people who hurt me that easy.
I experienced persecution before and it made me really down. Yes, we all have our own opinions and I know that we cannot please everybody but why is that it is very hard for me to forgive? When I experienced persecution, I felt really sad and thought of not coming to church anymore and even not serve the Lord anymore. But someone inside me told me, isn't it enough that Jesus paid his life for you? Even Jesus experienced persecution so why surrender that easy? This is just another challenge to face for following Christ.
We can't experience only happiness. We can't choose what will happen next. We can't expect all of the people to understand us. Instead of pushing them away, love them and pray for them as Jesus told us to. Who knows what reward you'll be having for obeying his word! Remember that God is using you. The battle is not yours, it's the Lord's.